Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am new to homeschooling?
No problem! We have services that help you every step of the way. Request a free consultation at this link and we can answer any questions you have.
What is a "live online class" and what platform do you use?
Live online classes are a lot like live in-person classes, only they take place conveniently from wherever you are! These classes are NOT prerecorded and take place on our platform with live instructors and live participants. Students have classmates, discussions, and class activities just like they would in an in-person class. Zoom links are embedded in our Jupiter Ed academic platform and can only be accessed by our students for their safety. All classes take place during Eastern Standard Time.
What technology does my student need?
Your student needs a computer or device with a strong internet connection, headphones with a microphone for participation in class, a camera that is required to be on during class, and a quiet distraction-free location. At EQUIP we treat our live online classes just like an in-person classroom which fosters community and relationship through authenticity.
Will I have access to my student's work/grades?
Yes! Our online platform has a parent login to access student grades and communicate with the teachers. You can select the settings to be alerted if assignments are missing or fall below a specified grade level. Parents are copied on all communication with the student. You can print report cards and progress reports as needed to build your own transcripts.
Does EQUIP provide or accept scholarships?
EQUIP Home Education courses are fully reimbursable through the Florida Tax Scholarship program. Students on the Step Up FES-UA or the PEP scholarship are able to submit their proof of payment invoices for the EQUIP program and receive reimbursement from their scholarship funds.
To learn more or apply for these scholarships visit the following links:
Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-OA) (
Scholarships for Students with Unique Abilities ( -
How do you protect my child's privacy?
Our ZOOM classrooms are protected and the links are embedded and only available to students through our academic platform. We do not allow recording of our classes to protect our student’s privacy. While a parent can sit nearby their own student (not on screen) to assist them during class, we do not allow parents to enter the classroom separately for the safety of our student body.
Does my student have to attend the live classes?
Our live classes are designed to compete with an in-person setting and community. If a student can’t attend a live class on any particular week, they will still have access to the assignments for the week. If the live class day/time conflicts with your schedules, we offer an Independent Study option that provides all the course material and implementation, along with the weekly assignments, and grading support without attending the live classes.
How long is EQUIP?
Equip is a 30 week program. (Two 15 week semesters). Course tuition covers the full academic year! Equip runs from September to early December and resumes from mid January to early May. We take one week off for Thanksgiving, three weeks off a Christmas/New Years, and two weeks off at Spring break for a healthy calendar year. See our calendar for exact dates. Note: some elective classes are one semester.
What days/times are classes held?
Our live classes are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 10am and 4pm. All classes are held in Eastern Standard time. See our class days/times tab for more information.
How much do courses at EQUIP cost?
EQUIP is extremely competitive and affordable in comparison to other programs. Each full year class is $500 and one semester classes are $250.
How many classes can my student take at EQUIP?
Your student can take as little or as many classes as needed. We have scheduled them to not conflict with other classes they may require within their level.
What do you mean by "minimum class size"?
We have minimum number of students required per class. (usually between 5 and 10 students depending on the class. See class descriptions for exact numbers) If a class were to not meet the minimum number of required students you would be notified before class begins and receive a full refund for that class. Note: this scenario is extremely rare and unlikely but we still encourage you to share our program with others.
Do I need to purchase books?
Any materials required for a course are listed on the course description page with live links to purchase. You can purchase from any vendor you choose but please ensure you purchase the accurate versions/editions listed by the instructor.
How much parent involvement is required
Parent involvement is truly able to be tailored to the level your student requires and your enrollment selection in the class. We offer three options (see here). At the very least you need to provide the technology required including stable wifi and the books required for class. Many students attend and complete their EQUIP work completely independently. Some require more parent support. Each student is unique.
Do I need the teacher's manuals?
Unless listed on the course description page, you are not required to purchase the curriculum answer keys. However, as a homeschool family that wants to work and learn alongside your student, you may choose to purchase the teacher's manuals/answer keys. We only ask that you do not give the student access to the answer keys for fair grades.
Will my student receive grades?
We offer grades, report cards, and transcript support at EQUIP. However, if you do not want your student to be responsible for turning in assignments and/or receiving grades, you can select the audit option which gives your student access to the live classes, with participation and instruction, but no assignments are deliverable or graded by the instructor. Additionally, audit enrollment has a reduced fee.
What is the difference between full enrollment, audit enrollment or independent study enrollment and can I enroll differently for different classes?
Please check out our Enrollment Page for specific information about each enrollment type. Students can choose different enrollment types for each course they select. For example, your student could elect to Fully Enroll in an English course, Audit a Literature course, and Independently Study a History course at Equip.
What does my student wear?
We offer EQUIP t-shirts for sale and many students love wearing them in class, but they are not required. A t-shirt is fine but any inappropriate clothing, logos, or backgrounds will prompt the teacher to remove the student from the class until it can be addressed. We ask students to not wear hats to class.
Can my student take courses outside their traditional grade level?
Courses at EQUIP provide a recommended grade level. However, parents can select courses at the level that fit their student's needs. Our math classes are the only classes that require a placement test. If you need help selecting classes for your students we offer free academic consultations.
What about community?
While we have students that attend our live classes from afar, for our local families wanting community we do offer field-trips, in person lab days, park meetings and more. Visit our Facebook page to see more.
Who are your Instructors?
This is an area we are most proud of! Our instructors are highly qualified in their field and have years of teaching experience in the academic and homeschool community. Each instructor undergoes a full background check, both federal and local, in addition to receiving and passing training on student safety. Our Instructors adhere to our statement of faith and pass our rigorous interview and training process before becoming instructors. Additionally, our instructors are homeschool families themselves and understand the unique dynamics and commitment your family has made to homeschool.
Is EQUIP accredited and do you provide transcripts?
Equip Education is a homeschool academic enrichment program and not a traditional school. While we provide everything you need to complete courses required for school credit and we supply report cards and transcript support, you will add them to your students final highschool transcripts upon completion of your homeschool program.
Why should I choose EQUIP Education?
Please see the “What makes us unique” section on our about tab.